
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Exercise & Work

Letting go at work is working, and I didn’t think it would! I still slip back into what the hell when I get an email that makes no sense, but then I think breathe is it asking for opinions if it isn’t be a good girl stay out of trouble do not make waves and keep your mouth shut.

Taking lunch breaks is great as I never did this unless I was meeting up with friends, I just used to sit at my desk and eat my lunch while I worked. Now I’m sort of taking a break by using the time to study so I don’t have to do any at home of an evening.

As you know from earlier blogs I do pretty long days like most commuters. However I have decided to try and work in a bit of an exercise plan during my work day as I’m knackered when I get home and just want to relax. Gym membership in London is expensive and we do not have one close by. So I thought I would try the London cycle scheme rather than do the 45 minute walk to the office in the morning…..

Well what can I say it was an experience I will not be repeating. It was a bad idea, it turns out I do not have any sense of balance and I get that from mum. I can understand why no one steals the damn things it took me two attempts to lift the bike out of the bike holder thingy you lock it into. I managed to get on the bike and fell off and caught my ankle on the pavement, then the bike nearly fell on me it was so funny I was sitting on the pavement laughing and lady stopped and asked if I was OK. I think she thought I was a nutter until I explained whist still laughing.

Hubs was the best - when I called him and said I’m on my way to the underground. “Are you OK?” “Oh yeah but I’m running late, explained what happened and then told him I think I bruised my knee and twisted my ankle on the pavement.”

So now I’ve decided to walk and have to say it was boring as hell but if I keep pace with music on my IPOD it’s not so bad.

All of this is helping with the weight loss and pain management as I’m not feeling so stressed and I’m not getting as many headaches as I was which is brilliant.