This time last year I’d only just joined Facebook and then my phone contract came to an end, and the Blackberry opened up a whole new world for me.
Even though I blog and tweet I am a fairly private person, so I protect my tweets so that if someone wants to follow me they have to ask my permission to do so. For some it’s all about the number of followers and for some they like chatting with people from a variety of backgrounds in different parts of the world. I like to follow back so I check out tweeters bio’s and see if we have anything in common or see if their just plain interesting.
When I first started out on twitter I looked up Diabetes and the Authors who are on my auto buy list on amazon, some of those authors tweet so I can keep up with books coming out and general chit chat. From there I found some new authors and people to chat with via #FF (Follow Friday) #WW (Writer Wednesday) and #MM (Military Monday).
This is how my blog started and this is how the topic of my blog recently came about. A fellow tweeter and I, who have been chatting for quite a while (@pborodors) were discussing World Book Day. I had been away and so hadn’t seen the promotions going on and @pborodors wasn’t well so we had conversation about the books we liked to read on twitter instead.
A few days later @pborodors mentioned she’d bought Man Down by Mark Ormrod who is on twitter and I thought I’d like to read that was when we thought we could set up a Twitter Bookclub and have this as the first book and the idea went from there.
Then I thought we have a lot of newly published authors on twitter, what if the book club covered authors especially new, unknown or self-published authors who talk to their follower unlike a lot of the established authors on twitter we would be helping twitter friends and then it got me thinking ……
As well as a Book Club how about Book Reviews J I love reading but have only ever written one review and I have to say that because of twitter my reading list has expanded somewhat from romance, crime to biographies and even erotica. So when @52Betty was looking for reviewers for her site I offered my services.
So now thanks to Rachel Lyndhurst and @52Betty who got me blogging they have now got me reviewing books! But I won’t always review them here as some of the books are considered 18+, so reviews will be posted to bookseller sites i.e., Amazon and on my other blog Ruby Redfire, yes these ladies have created a monster LOL.